What is the purpose of this site?
Though media analytics is rapidly growing at Elon, it still remains the smallest major in the School of Communications, sometimes making it hard to find fellow analytics majors. I wanted to create a website that could foster a community of prospective, current, and graduated students (or anyone else who has a passion for analytics) outside of what is offered at Elon. It can be especially difficult to find analytics opportunities amid COVID-19, as much of the usual activity in the School of Communications has been limited. I figured a website built by a student, for students, would be the easiest way to connect with each other to discuss analytics during a global pandemic.
Site Developer: Anna CaveAnna Cave is the research assistant for the Media Analytics department in Elon's School of Communications. She designed this website as a resource for current and prospective Elon students to learn more about the Media Analytics major in hopes of generating increased interest in the field.
Anna is currently a sophomore double majoring in Media Analytics and Strategic Communications with a minor in Professional Writing as a member of Elon's Communications Fellows. In addition to her job, Anna also worked for Live Oak Communications as a Media Analytics Executive. Currently, she is the Beauty & Wellness Editor at The Edge Magazine. |
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kathleen Stansberry
Featured Site Photos Courtesy of the Elon School of Communications.